North Carolinas' Premier Environmental Agency

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Founders’ ​Message

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Burch ​Environmental LLC & our journey towards becoming ​pioneers in comprehensive environmental protection ​and services. Our unwavering commitment to ​preserving the planet and safeguarding our ​communities has been the driving force behind every ​endeavor. It all began with a vision – to establish a ​company that provides top-notch environmental ​solutions for corporate facilities and local ​governments, while also playing a crucial role in ​protecting our homes & our planet. Today, we stand ​at the forefront of environmental services, ​empowering businesses and local governments alike ​to adopt sustainable and responsible practices. We ​are excited about continuing on this journey of ​making a positive impact on our communities and ​preserving the vitality of our planet together.

Nicole B Johnston

Owner & Founder

Handshake Outline Icon

Environmental ​Consultations

Environmental ​Consultations

Services Offered

Services Offered

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Grant Writing ​& Budget ​Development

Hazmat Suit
Transportation Truck Service Vehicle

D.O.T. & ​H.A.Z.M.A.T.

D.O.T. & ​H.A.Z.M.A.T.

Remote Training And Development Icon

H.A.Z.W.O.P.E.R. ​Training

H.A.Z.W.O.P.E.R. ​Training

Capital Icon

C.I.P. & A.M.P. ​Development

C.I.P. & A.M.P. ​Development

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S.A.R.A. ​Reporting

S.A.R.A. ​Reporting

Governance Icon

Local Gov. ​Assistance

Local Gov. ​Assistance

Introducing Our Valued Clients

Burch Environmental, LLC has had the pleasure of working for many ​companies in North Carolina not to mention governments at the local ​and state level.

CommScope, Inc.

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PHONE: (704) 881-1120

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